Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's Up?

I just haven't had the words for here lately...kinda in a verbal doldrums right now.

So what has been happening in my life?

Scott and Lance fixed my car, so tomorrow I get my little green Saturn back.
Andrew and I are reading books at a rate of one a day.
I am experiencing some temptations with allergies this week.
I stumbled across a couple of people from my high school, which is always interesting.
Ben was in high vampire mode today.
I went to bed at 7pm. Now its 2:30am and I'm wide awake.
Erin cut my hair...ahhhh...fresh cut hair!
Mom and Dad invited Andrew and I up to the cabin for Memorial Day weekend.
Andrew has become a bully magnet of late...sigh.
I'm scrapbooking about once a week instead of daily now.
We had church at our house three times in five weeks.
I am rereading Hemingway and realizing that since my highschool days I've outgrown him. Ho hum.
Oprah bought me dinner.
Off to try to sleep some more!

1 comment:

Staci Compher said...

sounds like life has been busy......I'm scrappin' about the same as you lately...and that's weird Oprah bought me dinner too..have a great week!


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